October 11, 2007

You May Not Kiss the Bride

You know those websites where one can get ordained as an "official" clergy person, usually in order to officiate at the wedding of a friend? Some are objecting, and marriages are even being retroactively invalidated because the officiant did not have proper credentials. That's one thing, but then there's this strange argument from David Cleaver, solicitor for the statewide Association of Registers of Wills and Clerks of Orphans Court:

“The problem with Internet ordinations,” Cleaver says, “is that you don’t know who you are ordaining. You open the door for convicted pedophiles, rapists, even your garbage collector, to officiate at weddings.”
Say what? What do wedding ordinations have to do with pedophiles? Are you afraid the official is going to molest a child during the ceremony? And as we all know, it's only non-qualified officients who would ever be pedophiles. That never happens with, say, ordained clergy.

Posted by Stephen Silver at October 11, 2007 04:35 PM

And apparently this guy would rather hangout with rapists and pedophiles than a garbageman. Tony S is a cool guy man, chill out!

Posted by: Dhalp at October 11, 2007 07:10 PM
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