February 04, 2008

"Wire" Thoughts

A few things about last night's "Wire" episode:

- That Baltimore Sun editorial board meeting with Templeton and McNulty trumping each other's lies was one of the greatest scenes in the history of the series. I had to watch it multiple times to figure out at which point each of them knew the other was lying. Just brilliant writing all around.

- My only problem with the fake serial killer subplot is that I don't understand how Jimmy and Lester are supposed to "nail Marlo Stanfield," when absolutely all of the evidence they're gathering against him would be clearly inadmissable in court. You think Levy the Evil Jewish Lawyer won't get that wiretap thrown out, considering it's illegal and all? Starting with the phone number itself, straight from his own rolodex?

- Similarly, I fully expect the Clay Davis prosecution to fall apart once it comes out that Lester was involved in the fake serial killer case; Lester, of course, was also the lead detective for Clay.

- Philadelphians- do you notice the obvious parallel between Baltimore's Sen. Clay Davis and Philadelphia's Sen. Vince Fumo, both super-powerful and super-corrupt state senators who, once indicted, use ethnic politics as the last refuge of scoundrels? The only place it falls apart is that I can't see John Street standing by Fumo at a rally, the way Clarence Royce did with Clay. Sheeeeeeeeeit.

- Is the death of Prop Joe such an insignificant event that none of the cops even noticed it? Do they still, all these years later, not even know about the co-op, or is there some Season 3 scene I don't remember where they followed Stringer Bell to a meeting?

- Chris Portlow has kids? Really? All this time I assumed Snoop was his wife.

- McNulty's ex-wife- who was also on "Rescue Me"- is quite hot. But I still say Beadie is hotter. Glad to see Amy Ryan, who I've loved since Season 2, get an Oscar nomination for "Gone Baby Gone."

- And yes, apparently Omar can fly. Who didn't see that one coming?

(I'm specifically avoiding mention of the on-demand episode that I've already watched- and yes, I know that Snoop is a lesbian and not Chris' wife.)

Posted by Stephen Silver at February 4, 2008 11:05 PM
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