April 07, 2008

Condi For Veep?

When I first heard she was being pushed as a potential veep, something sounded wrong about it. Richelieu (of the Weekly Standard) articulates why:

Whatever Condi's impressive attributes, picking her for VP would be a lunatic move:

1) It is the perfect way to make the general election an endless re-hash of the Bush Teams many mistakes in Iraq. By picking her McCain would endorse those epic fumbles.

2) She would pull exactly 14 black votes away from Barack Obama.

3) She has no special state where she could change the Electoral College math; she is a political non-entity in her home state of California.

4) Condi is a policy person, not a candidate type professional pol. Beware first timers playing in the Workd Series.

A patriot and impressive person yes, but a badly over-thought idea as veep. But not to worry, this hype is just silly hype. She'll never make McCain's short list.

This all came from an interview with Dan Senor, who presumably would like to be the vice presidential press secretary.

Posted by Stephen Silver at April 7, 2008 03:44 PM
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