April 16, 2008

Live From the Debate, Part IV

9:24: Gibson says "every American said a small prayer" today over the Virginia Tech massacre. Every American? I bet Sam Harris didn't.

9:25: The question is about guns, and Hillary is asked about stemming violence, bringing up Philadelphia and it's more-than-one-a-day murder rate, and proposing bringing back the assault weapons ban. She talks about illegal guns, even in the hands of "some who are, unfortunately, mentally challenged." Huh? Obama merely called gun-owners bitter; Hillary apparently thinks they're retards.

9:29: Obama rightly brings up the difference between gun owners who hunt and those who kill. He, too, talks about keeping the "mentally deranged" from having firearms. Who knew that was the big issue?

9:31: Hillary talks about keeping "machine guns" out of the hands of criminals. How many of Philly's nearly 400 murders last year were caused by machine guns? I'm gonna guess less than 10.

9:33: Time for talk about... affirmative action! More Republican issues for the Democrats to debate. Obama takes the Bill Clinton no-quotas "mend it, don't end it" position. Hillary calls for "affirmative action, generally."

9:36: "We're running low on time," Gibson says. Wasn't the debate supposed to be over six minutes ago? Hillary vows to "investigate" gas prices.

9:41: Obama praises the first President Bush, and even acknowledges that some Republicans have good ideas. I predict this gets him branded a crypto-Republican in future Hillary ads.

Posted by Stephen Silver at April 16, 2008 09:27 PM

"I bet Sam Harris didn't"

Neither did I, I wish Charlie wouldn't presume to speak for every one of us.

Posted by: Tainted Bill at April 16, 2008 09:45 PM
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