May 28, 2008

Film Critic Quote of the Week

Nathan Rabin continues the "My Year of Flops" series, with "Wired":

"I'd like to think that Hollywood treated the film version of Wired like a cancerous boil at least partially because reputable writers, directors, and actors would, all things considered, rather not urinate lustily on the decaying corpse of a beloved entertainer. To call Wired an unconscionable act of grave robbery/defilement would be an insult to the good name of grave-robbers everywhere. There are snuff films with more integrity."
I've never seen "Wired," but I always wondered why it's not a classic: Michael Chiklis, as Belushi, in a movie based on a Bob Woodward biography, and from the screenwriter of "The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai"? But apparently, it sucks.

Posted by Stephen Silver at May 28, 2008 05:11 PM
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