June 03, 2008

My Favorite Thing in the Bill Clinton Vanity Fair Piece

It's really something- about 7,000 words of innuendos about the ex-president's potential financial misdealings, womanizing, "running with a fast crowd," and hurting his wife's presidential campaign more than he was helping it. But this is my favorite part:

His former labor secretary and onetime friend turned critic, Robert Reich, called Clinton’s attacks on Obama “ill-tempered and ill-founded.” No less a loquacious commentator than the Reverend Al Sharpton said that it was time for Clinton to just “shut up.” His old flame Gennifer Flowers, who has endorsed Hillary, referred to him as an “idiot husband.”
Wait a minute- Gennifer Flowers made a presidential endorsement? Of Hillary? Did she accept it? (I'm guessing not.) Who are Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky supporting?

This is without a doubt the first time in American political history that the ex-mistress of a politician has, many years later, endorsed the politician's wife. Although I'm willing to guess that exact scenario has happened fairly regularly in French and Italian politics.

Posted by Stephen Silver at June 3, 2008 04:33 PM
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