June 13, 2008

Quote of the Day

John Scalzi, on the stupid is-Obama-black-or-biracial nonsense:

Here’s a quick test on whether Obama should be considered fully black: Poof! Barack Obama has been magically transported to a KKK meeting in deepest, whitest Klanistan without his Secret Service detail. There’s a rope and a tree nearby. What happens to Obama? If you say, “why, Barack Obama walks out of there alive, of course” then sure, he’s biracial. Also, you’re a fucking idiot. To everybody who cares about Obama’s racial identity, either positively or negatively, the man is a black man, married to a black woman, who has black children. Black black black black black black black black.
So that's two Fox News racial faux pas this week. How long before Hannity or John Gibson lets the n-word slip?

Posted by Stephen Silver at June 13, 2008 04:43 PM
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