June 17, 2008

"Morning Joe" Moment of the Day

This is how I know MSNBC's "Morning Joe" is good- I watch it for about five minutes every day and at least one memorable thing seems to always happen. Today, they were talking about Obama and how he's distanced himself from many of his less-savory associates. Joe Scarborough admired his ability to do so, and compared it to the similar ability of the Kennedys. Then Joe said this:

"The Kennedys have always been good at throwing dead weight overboard."
Now, I know he wasn't making a Chappaquiddick joke, but still- these days it's probably best to avoid anything that could possibly be construed as such. It still made me laugh for ten minutes straight, however.

Posted by Stephen Silver at June 17, 2008 04:31 PM
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