July 29, 2008

The Column Equivalent of "So What If I Drove Drunk- I'm Not as Bad as O.J.!"

Ronnie Polaneczky, Philadelphia Daily News columnist:

LAST WEEK, when the feds charged Larry Mendte with snooping into Alycia Lane's e-mail, Mendte's attorney treated the news like a non-issue... But it makes him kind of a stand-up guy when compared with another high-profile lowlife whose transgressions also made headlines last week:

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.

So Mendte gets a pass because his sins aren't as bad as those committed by someone with a different job in a different city accused of a completely different crime? I can already hear Kilpatrick claiming he deserves forgiveness because what he did isn't as bad as Bush and Cheney authorizing war and torture, and... it just goes on forever.

Posted by Stephen Silver at July 29, 2008 10:53 PM

In that case, pretty much everyone south of the Green River Killer should get off the hook.

Posted by: Gib at July 31, 2008 09:56 AM
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