October 02, 2008

Thank You, Nicholas Kristof

The Times columnist wrote the following today on the op-ed page referring to the Asian economic crisis of the late '90s:

Just as in the U.S. today, most Japanese did not initially appreciate how devastating a banking crisis could be to the real economy. Banks and real estate tycoons in Japan were corrupt, profligate and unsympathetic figures, and no one wanted to help them. On corporate expense accounts, they sipped coffee with gold leaf and patronized “no-panties shabu-shabu” restaurants, which had mirrored floors and miniskirted waitresses.
If you google "no panties shabu shabu," the very first result is a post on this blog almost three years ago, about Hideki Matsui's large porn collection, as well as his own fondness for such Tokyo establishments. Hundreds of Kristof readers were clearly curious about what exactly a "no panties shabu shabu" is, leading them here. Thanks, Nick.

Posted by Stephen Silver at October 2, 2008 05:02 PM
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