October 17, 2008

Sox and Sunny

What a game last night at Fenway. The Rays were winning 7-0 when I turned off the TV to watch "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia."* When I turned the game back on afterwards, it was 7-6. Then the Sox came back to win in the 9th.

Can the Rays recover? Who knows. I don't know whether to think this softens them up for the Phils, or whether the Sox will win after all and head into the Series with momentum. But hey, in a Sox-Phillies World Series, the entire country outside New England will be on Philly's side.

*Just discovered 'Always Sunny' a couple of months ago and LOVE it. The people who created it are sick fucks, and that's probably the best thing about it- it's for people who didn't think "Seinfeld" was cynical or nihilistic enough. It's as perfectly Philly as any filmed work of fiction, ever- F you Rocky, and F you too, M. Night Shyamalan.

Every episode is on Hulu.

Posted by Stephen Silver at October 17, 2008 04:58 PM
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