November 14, 2008

Film Critic Quote of the Week

Scanning the "Quantum of Solace" reviews, I'm thrilled to see so many critics denouncing its embrace of the shaky-cam. Christopher Orr of TNR, one of commentariat's most strident anti-shaky-cam voices, chimes in:

Following the temper of the time, Foster presents the movie's many action sequences in a wash of choppy, hyperedited shots, but he pushes the tendency to such extremes that he makes the Bourne films (on which Quantum is clearly modeled) look like Rope. The result is a near-total lack of spatial continuity--I have fifty dollars for anyone who can put salt shakers on a table and show me what took place in a particular boat chase--but an unmistakable visceral intensity. If, as it appears, this is where action filmmaking is headed, concession stands of the future will make a killing in Ritalin sales.
Our movement is slowly gaining strength...

Posted by Stephen Silver at November 14, 2008 09:29 PM
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