February 04, 2009

Dick Cheney is an Asshole

You know, I thought this we're-all-gonna-die-because-of-the-Democrats bullshit would cease once the election was over and Bush-Cheney was out of office. But apparently not.

Sully says it best:

It seems to me that regardless of the merits or demerits of his view, it's a remarkable violation of civil norms for a vice-president just out of power to assault his successors and all-but declare them indifferent to public safety. It's deeply divisive, deeply partisan and utterly self-serving. In other words: as cheap as one would expect. And part of what ails conservatism. Yes, they seem to be rooting for failure at home and abroad, because it would help vindicate their own appalling record on both fronts.
In light of this, how about changing your mind on that whole no-war-crimes investigation thing, huh, Barack?

Posted by Stephen Silver at February 4, 2009 04:53 PM
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