April 15, 2009

Much As I Hate Complaining About a Free Movie...

Not to sound like Louis CK and his chair in the sky, but tonight's screening of "State of Play" was almost ruined by one of the most annoying movie theater experiences of the last several years.

Sure, it was bad enough that the couple behind us was talking to each other, at full volume, for the entire first half of the film, in between loudly tearing apart various food items. But at probably the movie's most crucial point, the man's phone rang. After about four rings, he answered it. Then, he handed it to the woman, who proceeded to have a 15-second conversation while everyone on that side of the theater shushed her. Then, she screamed "BUT IT'S MY SON," and proceeded to COMPLAIN, ON THE PHONE, in a MOVIE THEATER, that people were shushing her.

Luckily, the couple then left the theater- all the while, complaining about how rudely they'd been treated by people shushing them! As they were leaving, the man said something like "this is why people are getting shot at the movies." Apparently, he forgot that in last December's infamous Philadelphia movie theater shooting, it was of course the guy who was talking who was shot.

Posted by Stephen Silver at April 15, 2009 01:01 PM
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