September 25, 2009

NBC Thursday Thoughts

Was I wrong in interpreting last night's episode of "The Office"- in which Jim threatens to leave Dunder Mifflin unless he gets a promotion to Michael's job, in which the compromise is that they end up co=managers- as an extended allegory of NBC's Leno/Conan dilemma?

Also, I like "Community," I've decided. Ken Jeong's rant about being an Asian guy teaching a Spanish class was something to behold, as was the interpretive dance performance by McHale and Chevy. Chevy Chase is relevant again! Why isn't anyone talking about this?

It also took me until now to notice that the brunette girl in the class is Pete's wife from "Mad Men." Always great to see people from that show in modern clothes. Why isn't Christina Hendricks being cast in bit parts in movies? If you saw her in a trailer, you'd see the movie, would you not?

The only part of the SNL preview I liked was Jason Sudeikis' exquisite, 30-second Glenn Beck impression.

Posted by Stephen Silver at September 25, 2009 04:50 PM

This is the first time I've watched the Office "live", rather than on-demand.

The show is much better on-demand.

Posted by: Jeff S at September 27, 2009 02:57 PM
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