October 09, 2009

The Rush Rams?

News Item: Rush Limbaugh may be in mix to buy St. Louis Rams

I'm not entirely sure what to think about this. First of all, Rush will be just one member of a group, and I can't imagine he'll be the one guy representing the team at league meetings, making personnel decisions, etc. Which is probably good, since his opinion that McNabb is overrated doesn't say much for Rush's talent-judging acumen.

Meanwhile, NFL owners, in general, are no stranger to the things Rush is most known for, i.e. right-wing politics, controversial off-color comments, being a huge asshole, and obesity.

Then again, there are rumblings that black players may not be keen on suiting up for a man who's made so many nasty comments over the years, and besides- if a guy is drummed out of something so insignificant as the ESPN pregame show, how can he get back in the game as an owner?

Posted by Stephen Silver at October 9, 2009 01:16 PM
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