November 18, 2009

Book Critic Quote of the Day

Thomas Frank on the Palin tome:

It is her mastery of the lament that explained former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s appeal last year, and now her knack for self-pity is on full display in her book, “Going Rogue.” This is the memoir as prolonged, keening wail, larded with petty vindictiveness. With an impressive attention to detail, Ms. Palin settles every score, answers every criticism; locates a scapegoat for every foul-up, and fastens an insult on every critic, down to the last obscure Palin-doubter back in Alaska

Ms. Palin’s life is meant to be an inspiration. Maybe I should follow her example. The opinion-page equivalent of the Palinesque style is easy enough to imagine: I would use this space to recite the indignities the world forced on me over the course of the week—an effete-looking young person ignored me the other day—plus glimpses of heartland authenticity—I sure do like pot roast—before concluding, darkly, that the reason I suffer is because I am such a sterling American.

Posted by Stephen Silver at November 18, 2009 05:13 PM

That review pretty much confirms what I suspected about the book - that Palin would play the victim. She strikes me as remarkably thin-skinned, which does not bode well when you are a public figure; doubly so when you're a politician. I'm getting a little tired her "poor me" routine. She willingly stepped into the spotlight and is now complaining about the glare.

Posted by: Emily at November 19, 2009 03:26 PM
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