September 01, 2010

Quote of the Day

Taibbi on the great summer freakout:

There’s nothing in the world more tired than a progressive blogger like me flipping out over the latest idiocies emanating from the Fox News crowd. But this summer’s media hate-fest is different than anything we’ve seen before. What we’re watching is a calculated campaign to demonize blacks, Mexicans, and gays and convince a plurality of economically-depressed white voters that they are under imminent legal and perhaps even physical attack by a conspiracy of leftist nonwhites. They’re telling these people that their government is illegitimate and criminal and unironically urging secession and revolution
Then there's this video. It's nutpicking, sure, but my lord these people are idiots:

(Oops- wrong video earlier. This is the right one.)

My favorite is the person who said they heard Obama has made it illegal to pray at monuments. First of all, this hasn't happened- there's no news story about anything like that. Second of all, why would it? Third of all, how would such a ban be enforced? And fourth of all, who prays at monuments?

Posted by Stephen Silver at September 1, 2010 04:51 PM

Hi Steve,

I really enjoyed the video. To me, it was full of laughs. I just can't believe sometimes how idiotic some of these people can be. Over and over again, I heard them state untruths that had not one leg to stand on.

I live in Oklahoma so I know allot of people who are like this. Sometimes I get a chance to talk with someone like these people. I love to make my point with intelligent answers which they have no talent for.

I suppose when you get all your news from one news station, and that news station is not committed to the truth; this is the product you get.

What concerns me is that the party that supports these people's thinking; the party of 'No' may find themselves back into power, simply by default. The Democrats need to get control of the message. To me, they've accomplished allot of good things, even if they are watered down. The problem is that independents seem to have a short memory of what it was like under Republican rule before and the liberals are all unhappy that they couldn't have their cake and eat it too. Now we have a Republican party that's being led by their noses with the likes of Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann; scary indeed.

Another word for Tea Party Patriot: Bigot
Another word for Republican: Hypocrite
Another word for Democrat: Whimp

I think it's time to think about a Canadian citizenship.

Larry Clement/fidlerten

Posted by: Larry Clement at September 6, 2010 03:38 PM
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