December 12, 2003


SOME OF THE WORST WRITING YOU'VE EVER SEEN: This, from the keyboard of some theater-freak reader of the New York Times was chosen-of everything on the "Cable TV" message board- as the first entrant in the paper's summary of Part I of "Angels in America":

"I haven't stopped crying. Too many former fellow attendees no longer in attendance planetside floating about the noggin. Pacino! and Mrs. Gummer beyond praise and then some, and then again, ad infinitum (throughout, but perhaps most especially at the Cohn/Rosenberg scene, which almost stopped my heart). Her Thompsonity slightly underparted but utterly formidable nonetheless, (and just wait 'til the wind-up). As Harper (also known as inlareviewer's other alter-ego en travesti)...

And that's just the first third of it. Any idea what the hell that person is talking about?
On the subject of "Angels in America," I have to break company with Sullivan, even though I agree with him on the general loathsomeness of Tony Kushner: I loved it. Probably the best movie on HBO since "61*," and I eagerly await part 2 on Sunday.

Posted by Stephen Silver at December 12, 2003 07:46 AM
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