July 07, 2003


METROSEXUAL HEALING: Tom Purcell has a funny takedown of this new creature known as "the metrosexual." Also known as "the straight homosexual," or "post-straight," metrosexuality refers to the new trend of straight men in big cities behaving as though they were women or gay men- i.e., paying large amounts of attention to clothes, hair care, skin care, shopping, and other such things. A New York Press writer previously referred to this trend as "the vast media conspiracy to turn men into nattering nabobs of neurosis, consigned to the dismal world of eating disorders and self-loathing." But it's got "cache" now that the New York Times has seized on it and given it a catchy name.
My take? People can behave however they want- if a straight man wants to have 50 pairs of shoes in his closet (operative word here being "closet"), than who am I to argue?

Posted by Stephen Silver at July 7, 2003 10:51 PM
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