March 20, 2003


DOUBLE DOWN SADDAM: The debates of three days ago ("Should we go to war?" "Will we go to war?" "With the UN?" "Without the UN?") have given way to the debates of today ("Shock and Awe now, or Shock and Awe later, baby?"), and perhaps today's more prominent question was an existential one about Saddam Hussein: Is he alive or is he dead? Was that really him on the tape or not? If it was, was it live or not?
I've got no more answers to any of this stuff than anybody else does, but I did notice one shocking piece of irony: last night, as pundits on the news channels were debating the Saddam-or-stand-in question, the amusing 1993 Kevin Kline comedy "Dave" (a movie about a guy who stands in for the incapacitated president) was simultaneously airing on TBS. Might be the creepiest cable scheduling juxtaposition since HBO2 mistakenly aired "Fight Club" (a film that ends with an entire city-full of buildings exploding) on the night after 9/11.

Posted by Stephen Silver at March 20, 2003 11:52 PM
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