December 19, 2002


FAIRWEATHER JOHNSON: The NBA has made its decision on who will own their new expansion team in Charlotte, and the choice is Robert Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television, who becomes the first-ever African American owner in the four major sports. Johnson, in somewhat of a surprise, was chosen ahead of a group that included businessman Steve Belkin and Celtics greats ML Carr and Larry Bird. Johnson, to his credit, won without resorting to the argument that "if Larry Bird were black, he'd be just another prospective owner."
Robert Johnson may be the first black person to own a sports franchise, but he's not the first Robert Johnson- that would be Robert Wood "Woody" Johnson, owner of the New York Jets. Other famous Robert Johnsons include the 1930s blues guitarist, the current District Attorney of the Bronx, scrub NFL quarterback Rob Johnson, and the late Pittsburgh Penguins coach "Badger" Bob Johnson.

Posted by Stephen Silver at December 19, 2002 11:39 PM
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