August 17, 2004

Quote of the Day

"If Tiger Woods called a press conference and then (a.) retired from golf, (b.) said he was gay, (c.) made several casual anti-Semitic remarks, (d.) punched a female golf reporter in the face, and then (e.) refused to comment on any of these issues (to anyone) ever again ... that would be pretty shocking."
-Chuck Klosterman, from his day-long chat with Bill Simmons on; that's actually the favorite at this point for Quote of the Year.

Klosterman was generally underwhelming throughout the chat- getting the Red Sox/Vikings fan dichotomy exactly wrong, while Simmons riffed brilliantly on the Olympic basketball team, 90210, gymnastics, and "The Real World." But then, out of nowhere, he pulled out the above masterpiece near the end, much like Kevin Millar starting the day 0-for-4 but then winning the game with a bottom-of-the-ninth grand slam.

Even more surprising- especially considering this and this- was a complete lack of Peter North references, although Simmons did make a joke about Australian swimmer Ian "Thorpedo" Thorpe belonging in "a running series from Vivid Video."

Posted by Stephen Silver at August 17, 2004 06:23 PM
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