November 23, 2004

Turkey Time (Gobble Gobble)

I'm heading off to Minnesota tonight, as I'm happy to have been able to spend Thanksgiving with my family every year since I've lived out East (this is the ninth).

A few Twin Cities Turkey Day traditions I've always loved: Family dinners, football, the annual broadcast of Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant on KQRS, and Patrick Reusse's annual "Turkey of the Year" column, where he names the biggest turkey from the previous 12 months of sports.

The favorite at this time, due to the whole "feed my family" incident, has to be Latrell Sprewell, although that was really only the second-most outrageous thing Sprewell has done in his career, and Sprewell didn't win the Award in '97 when he tried to murder his coach. The T-Wolves and Twins both had stellar seasons, so it shouldn't come from either of those, and the Wild are on lockout, so that should leave the award for my two personal favorites: Vikings coach Mike Tice, and owner Red McCombs.

Then again, Reusse could go the national route (Ron Artest) or the political route (Norm Coleman). Whoever it is, we'll find out Thursday morning.

Meanwhile, I'll be at Target Center for Wolves-Grizzlies Friday and the Metrodome for Vikings-Jags on Sunday, while spending the remaining time with family and friends, reading the Tom Wolfe book, and catching up on sleep. Though I should be able to find time for a few posts too.

Happy Thanksgiving, and have a Thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat.

Posted by Stephen Silver at November 23, 2004 01:36 AM

Reusse said on Soucheray the other day that he was giving strong consideration to Glenn Mason again. After today's column, maybe David Stern though.

Posted by: paddy at November 23, 2004 10:31 AM


Came across your blog (again) today. Great, great stuff. Good catch on Boozer -- he's becoming whipped. And I loved -- and will tomorrow crib -- the post on Wake's Levy.

Noticed you were a college basketball fan. Hoping you could add a blogroll link to my College Basketball Blog, I'd very much appreciate a link on your site.

And would gladly return the favor, adding a link from my site to yours.


Yoni Cohen,
College Basketball Blog

Posted by: Yoni Cohen at November 24, 2004 01:07 AM
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