July 12, 2006

Life Imitates Anchorman, and Entourage

Funny bit from Page Six on CNBC anchor Joe Kernan, who I'm guessing fell victim to a since-fired, "Entourage"-loving summer intern:

Monday afternoon, while doing a roundup of the weekend's box office, Kernan said: "Disney was the big winner . . . 'Pirates' plunders the box office, making $132 million in its first three days at the box office. The previous three-day record was 'Aquaman' at $120-plus, which beat out the 115 million which was set back by 'Spider-Man' back in May of '02.' " Unfortunately, there has been no "Aquaman" movie - except in episodes of HBO's "Entourage."
At least he didn't tell the entire country to go fuck themselves.

Posted by Stephen Silver at July 12, 2006 01:33 PM
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