March 09, 2007

Advice from the Inquirer Editorial Board

They're clear and concise:

To T. Milton Street:Please stop. Don't ever run for public office anywhere again. You're not just embarrassing yourself - though you've done that quite thoroughly. You're embarrassing this city, and potentially distorting what is a truly vital set of City Council elections.

To Ann Coulter: Please be quiet. Don't share your rude, mean and meaningless opinions with us in print, on the airwaves, or in speeches. For how long? Preferably forever, but at least through the 2008 election. Allow us at least that long to begin cleansing the national discourse of the toxins you so regularly release.

Yes, they're both insane. But the difference is, Milton has never been applauded by as many people as cheered the "faggot" comment at CPAC.

Posted by Stephen Silver at March 9, 2007 04:32 PM
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