March 09, 2007

Quote of the Day

When will The Left condemn Paris Hilton? Christopher Orr answers:


Mickey Kaus is shocked, shocked that Paris Hilton's use of the "n-word" in a years-old videotape has not gotten more media attention. I'd like to read this as something other than a new entrant in his series of quasi-defenses of Ann Coulter's use of the "f-word" at CPAC--see! Hilton did something even worse, and no one's up in arms about it!--but it's awfully hard to do so.

For the record, Mickey: a) Paris Hilton is not a political speaker, author, columnist, or talking head (let alone all four); and b) given that she came to prominence for a suspiciously leaked sex tape and her name is synonymous with cultural decline, it's not clear how much lower her public image can sink.

But, yes, if and when a prominent liberal group invites Paris Hilton to speak and applauds at her slurs, she (and it) will merit exactly the response Coulter has received. And, yes, if and when Ann Coulter's public profile is reduced to roles in D-grade sex comedies and paparazzi reports about her sex life and drunk driving, we'll all stop condemning her. Fair?

Paris and Ann are both part of the same tradition, in which they're both anorexic, not-very-attractive blonds who people pay attention to for no reason I can fathom. That, and they're both against the estate tax.

Posted by Stephen Silver at March 9, 2007 04:40 PM

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