April 02, 2008

The Baseball Band List

In this hilarious list, Phillies blog The Good Phight compares baseball teams to bands. Here's the AL list; the NL version is here.

My personal favorite is this:

San Francisco Giants are The Grateful Dead: Defined for years by the presence of a bloated, drug-addled figurehead who all the fans paid to see, at the expense of developing or addressing the needs of the rest of the group. Owners/management gladly raked in the cash. His abrupt departure left his former comrades and bosses with a purposeless existence. Greatest accomplishments as a group were years in the past, but that didn't stop people from paying ridiculous sums to watch them.
and this:
Florida Marlins are The Sex Pistols: Young group assembled by a greedy, creepy man (Malcolm McClaren; Wayne Huizenga), and swiftly dismantled after hitting their peak. Followed by a second, unexpected comeback with the original creepy man nowhere in sight.
There's some dispute in the comments over whether the best Twins analogue is Prince, or the Replacements.

Posted by Stephen Silver at April 2, 2008 03:57 PM
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