March 26, 2004

"You've Gotta Be Nuts To Shoot Inside a Casino"

“The Apprentice” last night finally did the inevitable Atlantic City casino episode, as the show traveled to the Trump Taj Mahal, where I just visited not three weeks ago. Rather than actually run the casino for a night like I suggested (as in, supervising the pit bosses, working as dealers, breaking legs, etc.) the two teams merely had to come up with promotions and see how much money they could raise.

The competing teams set up shop in the lobby of the casino (the same lobby from which my friend Abe called his girlfriend at 4 AM when I was there) and attempted to ply alleged high rollers* with stupid promotions, including the introduction of a large tiger- all of which were counterintuitive to the business of casino management, because they kept people in line doing nothing when they could’ve been gambling.

(*I use the term “high rollers” very loosely, by the way, because the gamblers depicted were among the skuzziest, most shabbily-dressed “VIPs” I’ve ever seen in AC or anywhere else- and not a single Japanese businessman among them).

Anyway, the episode ended with the last of the show’s Stepford Wives Holy Trinity, Katrina, getting bumped off (following Ereka and Kristi), with Trump’s fabulously gay “you’re fired” hand gesture out in full force once again. And now, after men were eliminated in the first four episodes, women have gotten the hook seven straight times, so Amy is the only remaining female. Does this mean Donald will draft some of the “hostesses” (aka hookers) from last night’s episode to join the show at the last minute, “Average Joe”-style?

Posted by Stephen Silver at March 26, 2004 02:22 PM
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